Happy 2010 everyone! 2010. Crazy. I definitely thought we'd have flying cars by now! Maybe by 2020?
I've never been one to make a ton of new year's resolutions. They've always seemed to me things that people do to make themselves feel good about the indulgences of the holiday season (eating, drinking, spending) but by February, everyone is back to their old tricks again. When I used to wait tables, it would be impossible to sell a cocktail or dessert during the month of January, but come Valentine's Day, it was always a whole different story!
I don't want to sound too debbie downer though, because I do think that a new year, just like a birthday, is an ideal time to take stock of what you've accomplished and what your goals are for the coming months. I've really been enjoying reading what all of you have in store for the coming year and the changes you'd like to see in 2010.
This year, I approached my resolution looking for something that would help me live my life better, something doable, something that could realistically be accomplished.
For 2010, I resolve not to buy any more journals until I've written in the ones I already have.
Simple? Yes. Are you thinking, "well, of course, silly. Why would you spend your hard-earned money on a new journal for yourself when you already have a ton of perfectly good journals?" Right. Because that's what I do. I shop. And I think, "oh, if I buy this super cute journal, I'll actually write in it. I'll actually keep a journal. If I buy this awesome pocket-sized Moleskine, I'll actually be creative with it, pulling it out whenever inspiration strikes."
It's always about having more, needing something else to actually take action. And that changes now.
This resolution also translates into other areas of my life:
- I resolve not to buy anymore books until I read the ones I have.
- I resolve not to go shopping for food until we eat what we have in the fridge.
- I resolve not to buy any more crafting supplies until I start using the ones that are currently collecting dust on my shelves.
Essentially, I resolve to finish what I've started. And to be content with what I have.
Because what I have is a lot.
PS. Here are my resolutions from last year. I think I did a pretty good job of everything, although I definitely got better at not getting sick as the year progressed.
PPS. Are you guys good at keeping resolutions? Did you make any good ones this year?