Yes, that's right: I procrastinate.
I had a thought last night, at about 11:00 pm when I was sitting in my studio tying ribbons on invitations, that went like this:
If only I had a dollar for every time I learned my lesson about waiting until the last minute...huh, I suppose I would be broke since I obviously haven't learned my lesson or I wouldn't always be waiting until the last minute...
Really profound stuff, I know. Can you believe I do this for free? ;)
But, man, I am so bad about this! I just finished up my first custom invitation order (which was great btw, more on that later!) and it consumed my week because I waited until the last minute. To the point that I couldn't show off any of my new paintings or my pretty new dress or talk about Spring or anything. Just fuchsia glitter and pretty ribbon. All week long.
Maybe I learned my lesson this time? We shall see...
Amazing, profound things will be written on this blog next week. I can promise you that.
...And now I have 8 minutes to get ready for work. Yikes! Lesson not learned yet apparently...